

The challenge. We may go through moments when we feel frightened. In the Bible, faithful servants of God speak of times when they were in distress and trembling because of their enemies or other pressures. (Psalms 18:4; 55:1, 5) Similarly, we could be facing opposition at school, at work, from our family, or from the government. We could even be facing death because of a medical problem. During such times, we may feel as helpless as a small child.  How does Jehovah help us in moments like these?

What Jehovah does. He comforts and soothes us. (Read Psalm 94:19.) This psalm may make us think of a little girl who is scared and unable to sleep because of a bad thunderstorm. We can picture her father coming in, picking her up, and holding her in his arms until she fell asleep. Although the storm is still raging, her father's comforting embrace makes her feel safe. When we face frightening trials, we may need our heavenly Father to hold us figuratively until the tense feelings pass. How can we receive such comfort from Jehovah?

Next time: JEHOVAH WILL COMFORT YOU - Conclusion

From the jw.org publications  

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