
IMITATE THEIR FAITH/Job - "I Will Not Renounce My Integrity!"

 He sat on the ground, his body covered from head to foot with painful boils, or ulcers. Picture him, his head bowed, shoulders slumped, alone, barely able to summon the energy to shoo away the flies that buzzed around him. Sitting amid ashes to signify his mourning, he could only scrape his diseased skin with a shard of pottery. He had lost so much, had fallen so far! His friends, neighbors, and relatives had abandoned him. People, even children, mocked him. He thought that his God, Jehovah, had turned against him as well, but he was wrong about that. - JOB 2:8; 19:18, 22. 

This was Job. God said of him: "There is no one like him on the earth." (Job 1:8) Centuries later, Jehovah still thought of Job as outstanding among men of righteousness. - EZEKIEL 14:14, 20. 

 Do you face hardship and misfortune? Job's story can bring you great comfort. It can also give you insight into a quality that ever faithful servant of God needs-integrity. Humans show integrity when they are so completely devoted to God that they continue to do his will even in the face of hardship. Let Job teach us more. 

Next time: What Job Did Not Know

From the jw.org publications   

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