

 What we need to do. Regularly spend time with Jehovah -praying to him and reading His Word. (Psalm 77:1, 12-14) Then when your under stress. your first thought will likely be to turn to heavenly Father. Share you fears and concerns with Jehovah. Let him talk to you and console you through the Scriptures. (Psalm 119:28) You may find specific portions of the Bible particularly comforting when you are afraid. For example, you may find encouragement in the books of Job, Psalm, and Proverbs as well as in Jesus' words found in Matthew chapter 6. As you pray to Jehovah and read his Word, you will feel his comfort.

We can have confidence that Jehovah will be there for us during dark times in our life. We will never be alone.  (Psalm  23:4; 94:14) Jehovah promises to guard, stabilize. support and comfort us. Regarding Jehovah, Isaiah 26:3 says: "You will safeguard those who fully lean on you; you will give them continuous peace, because it is you that they trust." So, trust in Jehovah, and take advantage of the means he uses to help you. If you do, you will regain strength even during difficult times.  

Next time: Questions From Readers - What does the Bible reveal about Jehovah's ability to foretell the future? 

From the jw.org publications

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