
"Samuel Called on Jehovah"

 Did the Israelites follow Samuel's lead and become spiritual faithful people? No. In time, they decided that they did not want a mere prophet to judge them. They wanted to be like other nations and have a human king rule over them. At Jehovah's direction, Samuel complied. But he had to convey to Israel the magnitude of their sin. They were rejecting, not a mere man, but Jehovah himself! So he summoned the people to Gilgal.

Let us rejoin him in that tense moment of addressing Israel at Gilgal. There, elderly Samuel reminded Israel of his faithful record of integrity Then we read: "Samuel called to Jehovah for a thunderstorm. - 1 SAMUEL 12:17, 18.

Next time: "Samuel Called to Jehovah" Conclusion

From the jw.org publications

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