
Desiderius Erasmus - QUICK FACTS

 . In 1516, Erasmus released the New Testament printed in Greek. It contained the Greek text in one column and his Latin translation in the other, as well as the extensive annotations.

. In the preface to his New Testament, Erasmus wrote: "I vehemently dissent from those who would not have private [common] persons read the Holy Scriptures] translated into the vulgar [common] tongues."

. His books were burned by his critics in some parts of Europe and for many years they were included in the index of banned literature by popes in Rome.

An International Celebrity

Erasmus was truly a cosmopolitan scholar. He lived and worked in several European countries, where he made influential friends at royal courts and universities. Scholars from many lands consulted him. His writings-widely read and appreciated-made him famous. For a time, everywhere he traveled he was welcomed with fanfare and acclaim by princes, prelates, and scholars alike. One modern writer thus called hm the "Renaissance equivalent of today's internation society."

Next time: What Do We Know About Jehovah's Future Judgments?

From the jw.org publications

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