
Huldrych Zwingli's Search for Bible Truth

Today most sincere religious people can check whether their beliefs are based on what the Bible teaches or not. This was not the case at the dawn of the 16th century. Why? Because most people did not have access to a Bible in their own language. As a result, few church members could compare what the Church taught with what the Bible actually said. And members of the clergy were of little help or no help. "The Church in Switzerland was corrupt," says the book History of the Christian Church. "The clergy were ignorant, superstitious, and immoral."

In this climate, Huldrych Zwingli began to search for Bible truth. What did find? How did he share with others what he learned? And what can we learn from his life and convictions?

Next time: Zwingli Begins His Search

From the jw.com publications

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