
WHAT WE DO KNOW - Continue

 At times, we hear someone say, "It would almost be better if my relative dies before the great tribulation begins so that is hope for his resurrection." There are surely kind motives behind such expressions. But a person's eternal future does not depend on when he happens to die. Jehovah is the perfect Judge-he renders just and righteous decisions. (Read Psalm 33:4, 5) We can be confident that "the Judge of all the earth "will do what is right. - GENESIS 18:25.

It is also reasonable to conclude that a person's eternal future does not depend on where he happens to live. It is unthinkable that Jehovah would automatically label as "goats" millions of people who live in lands where they never had an opportunity to respond to the Kingdom message. (Matthew 25:46) The righteous Judge of all the earth cares even more about these individuals than we ever could. We do not know how Jehovah will maneuver events during the great tribulation. Perhaps some of these people will have an opportunity to learn about Jehovah, put faith in him, and take their stand on Jehovah's side when he sanctifies himself before all nations. - EZEKIEL 38:16. 

Next time: WHAT WE DO KNOW - Conclusion

From the jw.org publications

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