

 We do know several things about future events. For example, we know that at Armageddon, people will be dealt with on the basis of how they have treated Christ's brothers. (Matthew 25:40) Those judged as sheep will have shown their support for the anointed and for Christ. We also know that some of Christ's brothers will still be on earth after the great tribulation starts and will not be taken away to heaven until shortly before the outbreak of Armageddon. As long as the brothers of Christ are still on earth, it is possible that honesthearted individuals will  have the opportunity to support them and the work they ae doing. (Matthew 25:31, 32; Revelation 12:17) Why are those facts significant? 

Even after the great tribulation starts, it is possible that some who see the destruction of "Babylon the Great" will recall that Jehovah's Witnesses had long spoken of this event. Might some who see these events have a change of heart? -REVELATION 17:5; EZEKIEL 33:33.

Such and outcome would be similar to what occurred in Egypt in Moses' day. Recall that "a vast mixed company" joined Israel in the Exodus. Some of these individuals may have started to develop faith when they saw Moses' warnings about the Ten Plagues came true. (Exodus 12:38) If a similar development should occur following the destruction of Babylon the Great, would we be disappointed that people were able to join us shortly before the end comes? Of course not! We want to reflect the personality of our heavenly Father, "a God merciful and compassionate, slow to anger ad abundant in loyal love and truth." - EXODUS 34:6.

Next time: WHAT WE DO KNOW - Continue

From the jw.org publications

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