
WHAT WE DO NOT KNOW - Conclusion

 In his Word, Jehovah has revealed to us some of the things he will do. For example, the Bible tells us that Jehovah will bring back to life "unrighteous" people who have not had the opportunity to respond to the good news and change their ways. (Acts 24:15; Luke 23:42, 43) That raises other important questions.

Will all who die during the events of the great tribulation be destroyed forever with no resurrection? The Scriptures make it clear that outright opposers whom Jehovah and will forces will destroy at Armageddon will not be resurrected.  (2 Thessalonians 1:6-10) But what about others, for example, who may die from natural causes, from accidents, or at the hand of other humans? (Ecclesiastes 9:11; Zechariah 14:13) Could some of these people be among the "unrighteous" who will be resurrected in the new world? We simply do not know.

Next time: WHAT WE DO KNOW

From the jw.org publications

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