

 King Antiochus focused his campaign on Israel, but the Jews formed communities in numerous other lands. In fact, other scholars estimate that by the first century C.E., over 60 percent of the Jews lived outside Israel. In their synagogues, the Jews kept copies of the Scriptures-the same Scriptures that were used by future generations, including Christians. - ACTS15:21.

During the Middle Ages, lovers of the Bible braved persecution and continued to translate and copy Scriptures. Even before the movable-type printing press was invented in the middle of the 15th century, portions of the Bible may have been available in as many as 33 languages. Thereafter, the Bible was translated and produced at an unprecedented pace. 

THE RESULT: Despite threats from powerful kings and misguided clergymen, the Bible is the most widely distributed and most translated book in history. It has shaped the laws and languages if some countries, as well as the lives of millions.

Next time: PORTRAITS FROM THE PAST/Desiderius Erasmus

From thejw.org publications

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