
Zwingli's Legacy

 Huldrych Zwingli certainly has a place in history although is eclipsed in fame by influential Protestant Reformers Martin Luther and John Calvin. Zwingli broke away more radically from Roman Catholicism than Luther did and paved the way for Calvin. For this, he has been called the Third Man of the Reformation.

Zwingli left behind a mixed legacy. In order to spread his view, he became deeply involved in politics and war. In doing so, he failed to follow the example of Jesus Christ, who refused to get involved in politics and taught his disciples to love their enemies, not kill them. - MATTHEW 5:43, 44; JOHN 6:14, 15.

Yet, Zwingli is remembered as a diligent Bible student determined to share what he learned. He discovered many Bible truths and helped other do the same. 

Next time: The Bible Survived Opposition

From the jw.org publications

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