
Practice Sessions Can Help Your Family - Conclusion

 Of course, sound reasoning alone may not be enough to persuade some listeners. But expressing ourselves with tact and mildness can help. (Read Colossians 4;6.) Sharing our convictions can be likened to throwing a ball. We can toss the ball gently or hurl it forcefully. When we throw it gently, the other player is more likely to catch it and to continue playing. Similarly, if we express ourselves with tact and mildness, people may be more willing to listen and to continue the conversation. Of course, if someone wants to win a debate or to ridicule our beliefs, we are not obligated to answer him further. (Proverbs 26:4) But such a person may be the exception; some-perhaps many-will listen.

Clearly, this is great value in making mildness a personal goal. Pray to Jehovah for the strength you need to remain mild when responding to controversial questions or unjust criticism.  Remember, your mild attitude can prevent differences of opinion from escalating into arguments. And your mild attitude may actually move some listeners to change their view about us and about Bible truths. Be "always ready to make a defense" of your belief, "doing so with a mild temper and deep respect." (1 Peter 3:15) Yes, let mildness be your strength!  

Next time: The Syriac Peshitta-A Windo on the World of Early Bible Translations

From the jw.org publications 

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