
What Do We Know About Jehovah's Future Judgments? - WHAT WE DO NOT KNOW

 In the past, we said that once the great tribulation begins, no unbelievers will be able to take their stand for Jehovah and survive Armageddon. We came to that conclusion because we understood that the account of the Flood was a prophetic type. For example, we reasoned that just as Jehovah shut the door of the ark prior to the start of the Flood, he would, at the beginning of the great tribulation, "shut the door" on Satan's system of things, thus preventing any more people from being saved. - MATTHEW 24:37-39.

Should we view the account of the Flood as a prophetic type? The answer is no. Why? Because there is no direct Scriptural support for doing so. Jesus did compare the "the last days of Noah to the time of his presence, but he did not imply that the Flood was a prophetic type, with each person and each event corresponding antitype; nor did he say that the closing of the door of the ark had any prophetic significance This does not mean, however, that we cannot learn from the account of Noah and the Flood. 

Next time: WHAT WE DO KNOW - Continue

From the jw.org publications

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