

 Improved editions of Erasmus' Greek New Testament provided the basis for better translations into European languages. Marthin Luther William Tyndale, Antonio Brucioli, and Francisco de Enzinas used them to translate the Greek Scriptures into German, English, Italian, and Spanish respectively.


Note: The paragraph below belongs under this subject, my printer is being difficult, and I accidently put this paragraph in the studies and beliefs. I am sorry.

Erasmus lived a period of momentous religious turmoil, and his Greek New Testament was considered an invaluable aid by the Protestant Reformers. Erasmus himself was considered by some to be a reformer, until, that is, Reformation began in fearsome earnest. Then he refused to take sides in the great theological debates that followed. Interesting over 100 years ago, David Schaff wrote that Erasmus "died in isolation , without a part. The Catholics would not claim him; the Protestants could not.

Next time: Desiderius Erasmus -QUICKS FACTS

From the jw.org publications

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