
Parker's Efforts to Restore God's Name

 For some years Parker had written regarding such questions as: "When does Ky'ri-os refer to the Lord Jesus and when does it refer to the Lord God?"  Why is Ky'ri-os often used grammatically as a name and not a title?" 

When Parker saw Shadwell's 1859 translation of Matthew with its comments on Ky'ri-os, he became convinced that in certain contexts, Ky'ri-os "should be translated Jehovah." So he revised his entire translation of the New Testament to include Jehovah" wherever he believed that the context or grammar of the Greek text indicated it. Thus Parker's one volume 1863 edition of A Literal Translation of the New Testament Contains God's name 187 times in the main text. As far as is known, this is the first published English version to use the divine name throughout the Christian Greek Scriptures.   

Next time: Parker's Efforts to Restore God's Name - Continue

From the jw.org publicatios

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