

 Jael had to think fast. She offered Sisera a place to rest. He ordered her to conceal his presence from any man who might come looking for him. She covered him when he lay down and when he asked her for water, she gave him creamy milk. Soon Sisera fell into a deep sleep. Jael then took a pair of household implements that tent-dwelling women used often and skillfully-a tent pin and mallet. Crouch near Sisera's head, she now faced the terrifying task of acting as executioner for Jehovah. Even an instant of hesitation could have meant disaster. Did she think of God's people and of how this man had brutalized them for decades? Or did she think of the privilege of taking her stand for Jehovah? The record does not say. We know only that the deed was soon done. Sisera was dead! - JUDGES 4:18-21; 5:24-27.

Later, Barak came in search of his quarry. When Jael showed him the corpse with the tent pin through the temples, he knew that Deborah's prophecy had come true. A woman had killed the mighty warrior Sisera! Modern-day critics and skeptics have called Jael all of manner of vile names, but Barak and Deborah knew better. In their song, they were inspired to praise Jael as "most blessed of women" for her courageous deed. (Judges 4:22; 5:24) Note the generosity of Deborah's spirit. She did not begrudge Jael such praise; rather, she cared only that Jehovah's word had come true.

With Sisera gone, King Jabin's power was broken. The Canaanite oppression was over at last. Peace prevailed for 40 years. (Judges 4:24; 5:31) How blessed were Deborah, Barak, and Jael for putting faith in Jehovah God! If we imitate the faith of Deborah, boldly taking our stand for Jehovah and encouraging others to do the same, Jehovah will bless us with victories -and lasting peace.

Next time: "Press On to Maturity" 

From the jw.org publications

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