

 Parents can effectively teach their children how to respond mildly when their beliefs are challenged. (James 3:13) Some parents have practice sessions during family worship. They consider topics that might come up at school, discuss and demonstrate how to give an answer, and teach their children how to speak in a mild appealing way. - See the box "Practice Sessons Can Help Your Family." 


Practice Sessions Can Help Your Family

Many families find it useful during family worship to discuss controversial subjects that may come up at school or at work. (Proverbs 9:9) For example, consider how you would reply if someone says: 

. Only uneducated people believe in God."

. "Evolution is a fact." 

. "If creation is true, who created the Creator?" 

. "Jehovah's Witnesses hate homosexuals." 

. "Why do Jehovah's Witnesses pressure people to change  

     their religion?" 

. " You have changed the Bible to fit your beliefs." 

Next time: PREPARE AS A FAMILY - Continue

From the jw.org publications

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