

 However, what Jesus also told his disciples they would not "complete the circuit of the cities," or preach to everyone, before he would come. (Matthew 10:23; 25:31-33) Jesus' words will prove to be true in our day as well. Millions of people today live in areas where the preaching work is severely restricted.  In addition, hundreds of babies are born every minute. We do our best to reach people from "every nation and tribe and tongue" with the good news. (Revelation 14:6) But the fact is that we will not be able to share the good news with each individual on earth before the end comes. 

Thus, a question arises: What about those who a chance may not have to hear the good news before the great tribulation strikes? How will Jehovah and his Son, whom he has entrusted to do the judging, deal with them? (John 5:19, 22, 27; Acts 17:31) The theme text of this article states that Jehovah "does not desire anyone to be destroyed." Instead, he wants "all to attain to repentance." (2 Peter 3:9; 1 Timothy 2:4) That said, we must acknowledge that Jehovah has not revealed to us what he will do in answer to this question. Of course, he is obligated to tell us anything about what he has done or will do. 

Next time: WHAT WE DO NOT KNOW - Conclusion

From the jw.org publications

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