

With that Scriptural reasoning in mind, then, let us try to imagine how Enoch's life might have ended. Picture this scenario, remembering that it is only one possibility. Enoch   was on the run, nearing exhaustion. His persecutors were after him seething with rage over his judgment message. Enoch found a place to hide and rest for a while, but he knew that he could not escape for long. A violent death loomed very near now. As he rested, he prayed to his God.  Then a profound sense of peace came upon him. A vision as vivid as if Enoch were really there, too him far away. 

Note: I am not as dramatic as some explaining things. Someone told me once, to summarize my words because my explanation was too long. :>( 

Imagine that a view opened up before him, showing a world wholly different than from the one he knew. It seemed to him that it was as beautiful as the garden of Eden, but there were no cherubs guarding it to keep humans out. Men and women-all full of health and youthful vigor-were numerous. Peace reigned among them. There was no tract of hatred and religious persecution that Enoch knew only too well. As for himself, Enoch sensed Jehovah's assurance, love, and approval. He felt sure that this place was here he belonged; it would be his own home. As peace stole over him, Enoch closed his eyes and drifted into a deep, dreamless sleep. And there he remains to this day-asleep in death, carefully preserved in the limitless memory of Jehovah God!  As Jesus later promised, the day will come when all those who are in God's memory will hear Christ's voice and come out of the grave, opening their eyes to a beautiful and peaceful new world. - JOHN 5:28, 29. 

Would you like to be there? Imagine the thrill of meeting Enoch. Think of the fascinating things we could learn from him!  He could tell if our imaginary scenario about his final moments were close to the truth. But there is something we urgently need to learn from him right now. After discussing Enoch, Paul went to say: "Without faith it is impossible to please God well." (Hebrews 11:6) What a powerful lesson for us to imitate the courageous faith of Enoch!

Next time: IMITATE THEIR FAITH/DEBORAH - "I Arose as a Mother in Israel"

From the jw.org publications

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