
What Do We Know About Jehovah's Future Judgments?

 "Jehovah . . . does not desire anyone to be destroyed." - 2 PETER


We can be certain Jehovah's future judgments will be righteous and just.

We are living in exciting times! Each day, Bible prophecy is being fulfilled before our eyes. For example, we see "the king of the north" and "the king of the south" engaged in a struggle for world dominance. (Daniel 11:40) We see the good new of God's Kingdom being preached on an unprecedented scale with millions responding favorably. (Isaiah 60:22; Matthew 24:14) And we are receiving an abundance of spiritual food "at the proper time." - MATTHEW 24:45-47.

Jehovah continues to help us have a clearer understanding of the major events that lie just ahead.  (Proverbs 4:18; Daniel 2:28) We can be certain that by the time the great tribulation starts, we will know all we need to know in order to endure faithfully and even prosper during that challenging period. However, we must recognize that there are some things that we just do not know about the future. In this article, we first discuss why we have reconsidered what we have said about some of those events. Then we will review some of the things we do know about the future and the way the heavenly Father will act.


From the jw.org publications


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