

. Be reliable. We want others to be able to count on us, especially during difficult times. (Proverbs 17:17) How can we develop a reputation for being reliable? We can strive to display godly qualities consistently, such as by keeping our promises and by doing our best to be punctual. (Matthew 5:37) We can also offer practical help when there is a need. In addition, we make sure that we complete our assignments according to the instructions we receive. 

Reliable elders are a benefit to the congregation. How? Publishers feel supported when they can readily contact their elders, such as their field service groups overseer. Publishers also feel well cared for when they know that the elders are willing to help them. And as elders base their counsel on the Bible and the publications of the faithful slave rather than on their own opinions, fellow worshippers trust them. Brothers and sisters have further reason to have confidence and who follows through by doing what he says he will do.

Next time: A GOAL FOR YOUNG BROTHERS - Continue

From the jw.org publications


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