
How to React to False Stories

 False stories can come from well-meaning friends who unwisely pass along reports from unsolicited emails. Or they can come from apostates whom we might meet in the ministry but who may try to hide their true intentions. 

1. Stories that come from well-meaning friends:

Ask your friend how he verified that the story can from a reliable source. If he has not verified it, reject the message and do not pass it on. - PROVERBS 14:15.

2. Unsolicited emails containing spectacular stories about Jehovah's people:

Sometimes these emails may appear to come from a friend's address. Check with your friend to make sure that he sent it and that he has verified the source. If he did not send it or has not verified it, delete it. - PROVERBS 27:12. 

3. Apostates who disguise their identity by pretended to be interested in our message: 

If their comments become increasingly derogatory about the organization or if they try to give you information from apostate sources, respectfully end the conversation. - 2 JOHN 10.

Next time: How to Have More Joy in the Ministry

From the jw.org publications

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