
Make Jehovah Your Rock

 "There is no rock like our God." - 1 SAMUEL 2:2. 


Learn why Jehovah is referred to as a rock and how we can imitate his rocklike qualities.

WE LIVINE in a world where unexpected changes can disrupt-or even completely change-our lives.  How thankful we are that we can turn to Jehovah God for help! In the preceding article, we were reminded that Jehovah is the living God and that he is always ready to help us. When we receive his support, that experience reassures us that "Jehovah is alive!" (Read Psalm 18:46) However, right after making that declaration, David called God "my Rock." Why would he liken Jehovah, the living God, to an inanimate object-a rock? 

In this article, we will consider why Jehovah is referred to as a rock and what that metaphor teaches us about him. We will also learn how we can come to view him as our Rock. Finally, we will discuss ways that we can imitate Jehovah's rocklike qualities. 


From the jw.org publications

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