
Be Courageous Like Zadok - SUPPORT GOD'S KINGDOM - Conclusion

 Where did a priest like Zadok learn to be so courageous?  He was surrounded by men who were strong and courageous. No doubt he benefited from their example. For instance, David's example of courageously "leading Israel on its campaigns " moved all of Israel to support him wholeheartedly. (Chronicles 11:1, 2) David always relied on Jehovah for help against his enemies. (Psalm 28:7; Read Psalm 138:3) Zadok had other inspiring examples right by his side-men such as Jehoida and his warrior Benaiah as well as the 22 other tribal chiefs who rallied to David's side. (Chronicles 11:22-25; 12:26-28) These men all took decisive action to support David's kingship.

We gain strength and courage when we consider the examples of those who have courageously support Jehovah's rulership. Our King, Jesus Christ, firmly resisted pressure to become involved in Satan's political system of things. (Matthew 4:8-11; John 6:14, 15) He always relied on Jehovah for strength. We always have countless modern-day examples of young men who have taken a stand as conscientious objectors or who have refused to participate in political activities. Why not look up some of their experiences on jw.org?

Next time: Be Courageous Like Zadok - HELP YOUR BROTHERS

From the jw.org publications

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