

 One way we make Jehovah our rocklike Refuge is by praying to him. When we pray, Jehovah gives us "the peace of God" that safeguards our heart and mind. (Philippians 4:6, 7) Consider the experience of Artem a brother who was imprisoned for his faith. He was repeatedly interrogated by a harsh investigator who pressured and humiliate him. "I found it stressful whenever the investigator summoned me. . . .I always prayed to Jehovah. I asked for peace in my heart and for wisdom, "said Artem. "The investigator's tactics did not work on me. . . . With Jehovah's help, it was like I was standing behind a stone wall."

Jehovah is reliable. Like a rock that is immovable, Jehovah is always there for us. We can trust him because he is "the eternal Rock." (Read Isaiah 26:3, 4.) He will always be alive to keep his promises, hear our prayers, and give us the support we need. We ca always depend on Jehovah because he is loyal to those who serve him. (2 Samuel 22:26) He will never forget what we do, and he will always reward us. - Hebrews 6:10; 11:6.

Next time: WHY JEHOVAH IS A ROCK - Continue

From the jw.org publications

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