

 Jehovah is the Rewarder of those who worship him. (Hebrews 11:6) He gives us peace and contentment now and will give us everlasting life in the future. We can place our hope in Jehovah, convinced that he has both the desire and the power to reward us. And that conviction moves us to stay busy in our worship, just as faithful servants of God in the past were moved to do. This proved true Of Timothy in the first century. - HEBREWS 6:10-12. 

Read 1 Timothy 4:10. Timothy puts his hope in the living God. Therefore, he had good reason to work hard and exert himself. In what ways? The apostle Paul encouraged him to make progress as a teacher and a public speaker. Timothy was also to set a good example for fellow believers, both young and old. And he was assigned some difficult tasks, which included giving firm but loving counsel to those who needed it. (1 Timothy 4:11-16; 2 Timothy 4:1-5) Timothy could be sure that even at times his work went unseen or was not appreciated by others, Jehovah would reward him. - ROMANS 2:6.

Next time: THE LIVING GOD WILL REWARD YOU - Conclusion

From the jw.org publications

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