
A GOVERNMENT FREE OF CORRUPTION/ A Government With No Corruption - Continue


THE PROBLEM: The effort to eliminate corruption "must start at the top," observes Susan Rose-Ackerman, quoted in the preceding article. Governments lost credibility when they try to eradicate corruption among police or customs officers while tolerating it among high officials. And even the most ethical human ruler is subject to inherent imperfection. As the Bible says, "there is no righteous man on earth who always does good." - ECCLESIASTES 7:20. 

THE SOLUTION: Unlike imperfect humans, Jesus Christ, whom God has selected to be Ruler of the Kingdom, cannot be tempted into doing what is wrong. Jesus showed this by rejecting the most massive bribe ever offered - "all the kingdoms of the world and their glory." Jesus was promised this in exchange for one act of false worship to the ruler of the world, the Devil. (Matthew 4:8-10; John 14:30) Even when Jesus was being tortured to death, he was so determined to maintain his integrity that he refused a drug that would have dulled the pain but also have left him without full command of his senses. (Matthew 27:34) Now raised back to heavenly life by God, Jesus has proved that he is fully qualified to rule over the Kingdom. - PHILIPPIANS 2:8-11.

Next time: A GOVERNMENT FREE OF CORRUPTION /A Government With No Corruption- Continue

From the jw.org publications


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