

 Reject false stories. The apostle Paul gave clear instructions on what to do if we ae exposed to false stories. He told Timothy to "command certain ones not to . . . pay attention to false stories" and to "reject irreverent false stories." (1 Timothy 1:3., 4; 4:7) Although a toddler might innocently pick up an object from the floor and put it in his mouth, a mature person who understands the danger would never do that. We reject false stories because we recognize the source of the information. We hold to the "wholesome words" of truth. - Read 2 TIMOTHY 1:13. 

We have considered three of the many ways that God's organization imitates Jesus. As you study the Bible, take note of additional ways that the organization follows Jesus' example. Help others in the congregation to build their appreciation for the organization. And continue to demonstrate your appreciation by serving Jehovah loyally and sticking closely to the organization that he is using to accomplish his will. (Psalm 37:28) May we continue to treasure the privilege we have of being associat3ed with Jehovah's loving and loyal people.

Next time: How to React to False Stories

From the jw.org publications

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