
They Left and Came Back

 . June who stopped attending congregation meetings and became inactive, finally returned to the spiritual paradise. She says: "What a wonderful feeling it was to be back with Jehovah's people! . . . More than ever, I know I can't Isolate myself or go it alone. I am thankful that was still time for me to come back." 

. Kimberly was disfellowshipped for nearly 40 years. "I had no friends who served Jehovah and no spiritual food," she relates. "I felt depressed and lonely." But Kimberly repented and was reinstated in 2021. "Now I know that Jehovah hears and answers my prayers," she says.  "And once again, I am surrounded by people I can trust." By depending on God's spirit and by regularly feeding on God's Word, she is feeling stronger mentally and spiritually.

. John returned to the spiritual paradise after being disfellowshipped for over 20 years. He says, "I had blocked the truth out of my mind along with the benefits of being with God's people." Now that he is reunited with his spiritual brothers and sisters and eating again from God's table, he says, "There is no better life than the one spent living among Jehovah's family in the spiritual paradise!" 

Next time: What Does the Devil Look Like?/The Bible's answer

From the jw.org publications 

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