

 If Jehovah is real to us, we will find it easier to stay faithful to him.  That was true of Joseph. He firmly refused to commit immorality. God was real to him, and he didn't want to displease Him. (Genesis 39:9) For Jehovah to be real to us, we need to make time to pray to him and to study His Word. Our friendship with him will thus grow. When, like Joseph, we have a close friendship with Jehovah, we will not want to do anything that displeases Him. - JAMES 4:8. 

Those who forget that Jehovah is the living God can easily draw away from him. Consider what happened to the Israelites when they were in the wilderness. They were aware that Jehovah existed, but they began to doubt that he would provide for them. They even asked: "Is Jehovah in our midst or now?" (Exodus17:2, 7) Thereafter, they rebelled against God. Surely, we want to avoid following their disobedient course, which stands as a warning example for us. - Read HEBREWS 3:12.

Next time: REMAIN CLOSE TO THE LIVING GOD - Conclusion

From the jw.org publications

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