

 Paul warned the Hebrews that a mature Christian could permanently lose God's approval. A Christian's heart could become so hardened that his is no longer able to repent and receive God's forgiveness.  Thankfully, the Hebrews had not fallen away to that extent. (Hebrews 6:4-9) What about those today who become inactive or are disfellowshipped but later repent? Their humble repentance shows that they are different from those whom Paul wrote about. However, when they return to Jehovah, they need the help that he provides. (Ezekiel 34:15, 16) The elders may arrange for an experienced Witness to help them regain their spiritual strength. 

If you are pressing on to Christian maturity, you can reach your goal! Continue to take in solid spiritual food and align your thinking with that of Jehovah. And if you have already become mature, remain steadfast as full-grown Christian.

Next time: Strengthen Your Appreciation for Jehovah's Organization

From the jw.org publications

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