
Remember that Jehovah Is "the Living God" - Conclusion

 David knew Jehovah and relied on Him. When pursued by his enemies, including King Saul, David prayed to Jehovah for help. (Psalm 18:6) After God answered his prayer and rescued him, David declared: "Jehovah is alive!" (Psalm 18:46) With these words, David was not merely acknowledging that God exists. One reference work notes that David was expressing confidence in Jehovah "as a living god who constantly acts on the behalf of his people." Yes, David knew from personal experience that his God was alive, and that conviction renewed his determination to serve and praise Jehovah. -PSALM 18:28, 29, 49.

Our being convinced that Jehovah is the living God can help us to serve him with zeal. We will have the strength to endure trials and the motivation to continue working hard in his service We will also be determined to remain close to Jehovah.

Next time: Remember That Jehovah Is "the Living God" -THE LIVING GOD WILL STRENGTHEN YOU

From the jw.org publications

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