
A GOVERNMENT FREE OF CORRUPTION/A Government With No Corruption - Continue

 4. LAWS 

THE PROBLEM: At first, you might think that enacting new laws could improve matters. However, experts have found that in many cases, increasing the number of laws just provides more opportunity for corruption. Additionally, legislation specifically intended to reduce corruption often costs much to implement yet accomplishes little.

THE SOLUTION: The laws of the Kingdom of God are vastly superior to those of human governments. For example, rather than itemizing and expensive lists of do and don'ts, Jesus gave what is often called the Golden Rule. He stated: "All things, therefore, that you want men to do to you, you also must do to them." (Matthew 7:12) [Note: In other words, from the King James Bible, which I like these terms better, "You must treat others as you would want them to treat you." I believe the other verse, would be taken out of context or misunderstood.  With some people - they would not comprehend what it means.] Perhaps more significantly, the laws of the Kingdom focus on both motives and actions. "You must love your neighbor as yourself," said Jesus. (Matthew 22:39) Of course, God, who can read the heart, could actually enforce such commands. - 1 SAMUEL 16:7. 

Next time: A GOVERNMENT FREE OF CORRUPTION / A Government With No corruption - Continue 

From the jw.org publications

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