
What Is Heaven?

 What is heaven like?

The spirit realm is a hive of activity. It is occupied by hundreds of millions of spirit creatures "who carry out [Jehovah's] Word." - PSALM 103:20, 21; DANIEL 7:10. 

The Bible describes heaven as being brilliantly lighted. (1 Timothy 6:15, 16) The prophet Ezekiel received a heavenly vision marked by "brilliant light," while the vision of heaven that Daniel saw included "a stream of fire." (Ezekiel 1:26, 28; Daniel 7:9, 10) Heaven is holy, or clean and beautiful. - PSALM 96:6; ISAIAH 63:15; REVELATION 4:2, 3. 

The overall impression that the Bible gives of heaven is awe-inspiring. (Ezekiel 43:2, 3) Nevertheless, it is not possible for humans to comprehend heaven full, since the spirit realm is beyond our senses. 

Next time: What Will God's Kingdom Accomplish? -The Bible's answer

From the jw.org publications 

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