
Be Courageous Like Zadok - SUPPORT GOD'S KINGDOM

 As Jehovah's people, we wholeheartedly support God's Kingdom, but we often need courage to do so. (Matthew 6:33) For example, in this wicked world, we need courage to live by Jehovah's standards and to preach the Kingdom good news. (1 Thessalonians 2:2) And it often takes courage to remain politically neutral in this increasingly divided system of things. (John 18:36) Many among Jehovah's people have suffered financial loss, have been abused, or have been imprisoned because of refusing to participate in political or military activity. 

Zadok did not go to Hebron just to celebrate David's kingship. He went there armed and ready for battle.  (1 Chronicles 12:38) He was willing to follow David into battle and to defend Israel from its enemies. What Zadok lacked in experience as a warrior, he made up for in courage.

Next time: Be Courageous Like Zadok - SUPPORT GOD'S KINGDOM

From the jw.org publications

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