
Do You Possess Faith?

 To please Jehovah, we must have faith. Yet, the Bible says that ""Faith is not a possession of all people." (2 Thessalonians 3:2) The apostle Paul spoke about his persecutors, "harmful and wicked men," from whom he needed rescue. But his comment about faith has a wider application.  Some people choose to ignore clear evidence that there is a Creator-God. (Romans 1:20) Others may claim to have some faith in that they sense a higher power. But that belief alone is not the faith needed to please Jehovah. 

We need to be convinced that Jehovah exists and that he is "the rewarder" of those with solid faith. (Hebrews 11:6) Faith is an aspect of the fruitage of the holy spirit. Turning to Jehovah in prayer can help a person to receive holy spirit. (Luke 11:9, 10, 13) A key way to receive that spirit is by reading God's inspired Word. Then we can think about what we read and try to apply what we learn. Jehovah's spirit can then influence our life, helping us to have faith that pleases Him.

Next time: Remember That Jehovah Is "the Living God"

From the jw.org publications

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