

 The world makes it challenging for us to remain close to Jehovah. Many reject the idea that God exists. Often, those who ignore what God requires seem to prosper. When we see that happen, our faith can be tested. While we would not deny that God exists, we could begin to wonder whether he will act in our behalf. The write of Psalm 73 found himself wondering about this. He saw that those around him ignoring God's laws and still enjoying life. As result, he began to question whether it was worth serving God. -PSALM 73:11-13. 

What eventually helped the psalmist to correct his view? He meditated on what would happen to those who forget Jehovah. (Psalm 73:18, 19, 27) He also considered the benefits that come from serving God. (Psalm 73:24) We too can reflect on the blessings that Jehovah has given us.  Contrast that hour our life would be if were not serving Jehovah. Doing so can help us to stick to a faithful course and concluded as the psalmist: "As for me, drawing near to God is good for me." - PSALM 73:28.

We can face whatever challenges come our way during these last days because we "slave for a living and true God." (1 Thessalonians 1:9) Our God is a real Person who acts in behalf of those who worship him. He proved to be with his servants in the past, and he is with us today. We will soon face the great tribulation to occur on earth. But we will not face it alone. (Isaiah 41:10) May we all "be of good courage and say: 'Jehovah is my helper; I will not be afraid."' - HEBREWS 13:5, 6. 

Next time: Questions From Readers - Who is the "woman" mentioned at Isaiah 60:1, and how does she  "arise" and "shed light"?

From the jw.org publications 

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