

If you prepare well for the ministry, you are likely to feel more comfortable when speaking with others. Jesus helped his disciples to prepare before he sent them out into the ministry. (Luke 10:1-11) Because they put into practice what Jesus had taught them, the disciples felt a deep sense of joy in what they were able to accomplish. - LUKE 10:17.

How might we prepare for the ministry? We need to give thought to how we can express the truth effectively in our own words. It is also helpful to anticipate two or three common reactions from those in the territory and have in mind how we will respond in each case. Then when we approach people, we can try to relax, smile, and be friendly.

The apostle Paul illustrated our role in the preaching work when he said: "We have this treasure in earthen vessels." (2 Corinthians 4:7) What is this treasure? It is the lifesaving work of preaching the Kingdom message. (2 Corinthians 4:1) What are the earthen vessels? They represent God's servants, who take the good news to others. In Paul's day, merchants used clay jars to transport valuable goods, such as food, wine, and money. Similarly, Jehovah entrusts us with the valuable message of the good news. With Jehovah's backing. we can have the strength needed to deliver our message faithfully. 


From the jw.org publications


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