
What Is Heaven?

  (3.) A symbol of a high or exalted position. The Scriptures use "heaven" to represent an elevated position, using in connection with ruling authority. Such a position could be occupied by: 

. Jehovah God himself as the almighty Sovereign. - 2 CHRONICLES 32:20; 66:22; LUKE 15:21.

. God's Kingdom, the government that will replace human rule. The Bible refers to that Kingdom as the "new heavens." - ISAIAH 65:17; 6:22; 2 PETER 3:13. 

. Christians who, while on earth, have the hope of going to heaven. - EPHESIANS 2:6. 

Human governments that have exalted themselves over their subjects. -ISAIAH 14:12-14; DANIEL 4:20-22; 2 PETER 3:7. 

. Wicked spirits who now rule over the world. - EPHESIANS 6:12; 1 JOHN 5:19. 

Next time: What Is Heaven -What is heaven like?

From the jw.org publications

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