
A GOVERNMENT FREE OF CORRUPTION/ A Government With No Corruption


THE PROBLEM: Many countries hold elections regularly, which in theory allows people to vote corrupt officials out of office. The reality though, is that campaigns and elections are prone to corruption, even in so-called developed countries. By means of campaign contributions and other actions, the rich can unduly influence current and future officeholders.

Justice Paul Stevens of the U.S. Supreme Court wrote that such influence threatens "not only the legitimacy and quality of Government but also the public's faith therein." It is little wonder, then, that many people worldwide have the perception that political parties are the most corrupt of all institutions.

THE SOLUTION: God's Kingdom removes the possibility of campaign or electoral fraud by being a stable, permanent, rulership. (Daniel 7:13,14) Since its ruler is chosen by God, the Kingdom is neither validated by elections nor subject to overthrow. Its stability helps to ensure that the actions it takes are always best long-term interests of its people.

Next time: A GOVERNMENT FREE OF CORRUPTION / A Government With No Corruption - Continue

From the jw.org publications

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