
What Is Heaven?

 The Bible's answer

The word "heaven" is used in three basic senses in the Bible: (1.) The physical heavens; (2.) The spirit realm; and (3.) a symbol of a high or exalted position. In each case, the context helps determine the correct understanding.

1. The physical heavens. In this sense, "the heavens" refers to earth's atmosphere, where the winds blow, the birds fly, the clouds produce rain and snow, and the lightning flashes.  (Psalm 78:26; Proverbs 30:19; Isaiah 55:10; Luke 17:24) It can also mean outer space, the location of the "sun and the moon and the stars." - DEUTERONOMY 4:19; GENESIS 1:1. 

Next time: What Is Heaven? -The spirit realm. 

From the jw.org publications

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