

 The Bible uses the term "rock" as word picture to help us grasp qualities that Jehovah possesses. It often appears in passages that praise him as a God who is without equal. The first reference to Jehovah as "the Rock" is found at Deuteronomy 32:4. In prayer, Hannah said that "there is no rock like our God." (1 Samuel 2:2) Habakkuk called Jehovah "my Rock." (Habakkuk 1:12) The writer of Psalm 73 called God "the rock of my heart." (Psalm 73:26) And even Jehovah referred to himself as a rock. (Isaiah 44:8) Let us discuss three rocklike qualities that Jehovah displays and learn how we can make him "our Rock." - DEUTERONOMY 32:31.

Jehovah is a refuge. Just as a huge rock can be a person's hiding place from a threatening storm, Jehovah safeguards us when we face situations that threaten our well-being. (Read Psalm 94:22.) He keeps us safe and prevents us from suffering last harm. And he promises even more: He will eventually eliminate whatever threatens our peace and security. - EZEKIEL 34:25, 26.

Next time: WHY JEHOVAH IS A ROCK - Continue

From the jw.org publications 

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