
Never Leave Your Spiritual Paradise - Conclusion

By means of the prophet Isaiah, Jehovah describe what it would be like for those who would dwell in the spiritual paradise. You can find this description in Isaiah chapter 65, which had an initial fulfillment back in 537 B.C.E. At that time, repentant Jews were released from captivity in Babylon and they returned to their homeland. Jehovah blessed his people and helped them to make the devastated city of Jerusalem beautiful again and to restore its temple as the center of true worship in Israel. - ISAIAH 51:11; ZECHARIAH 8:3.

A second fulfillment of Isaiah prophecy began in 1919 C.E. when Jehovah's modern-day worshippers were set free from captivity from Babylon the Great. Then the spiritual paradise started to take shape throughout the earth. Zealous Kingdom proclaimers formed many congregations and produced spiritual fruitage. Men and women who once exhibited   violent animalistic tendencies "put on the new personality that was created according to God's will." (Ephesians 4:24) Of course, many of the blessings that Isaiah described will be fulfilled literally in the future new world. But even now there are rich benefits that we are enjoying. Let us see how this spiritual paradise affects us and why we should never leave it.


From the jw.org publications

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