
Peace on Earth-How Will It Come?

 The Bible's answer

Peace on earth will come, not by human efforts, but by means of God's Kingdom, a heavenly government ruled by Jesus Christ. Notice how the Bible teaches us about this wonderful hope.

1. God will make "wars to cease to the extremity of the earth," fulfilling his promise to bring "peace on earth to those with whom he is pleased!" - Psalm 46:9; Luke 2:14, Good News Translation. 

2. God's Kingdom will rule from heaven over the entire earth. (Daniel 7:14.) As a world government, it will eliminate nationalism, which is at the root of many conflicts.

3. Jesus, the Ruler of God's Kingdom, is called the "Prince of Peace," and he will ensure that "to peace there will never be no end." - ISAIAH 9:6, 7.

Next time: Peace on Earth-How Will It Come? -The Bible's answer

From the jw.org publications

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