
Be Courageous Like Zadok - HELP YOUR BROTHERS

 Jehovah's people love to help one another. (2 Corinthians 8:4) However, at times, it takes courage to do so. For example, when a war breaks out, the local elders realize that their brothers and sisters need encouragement and support, and perhaps spiritual or physical provisions. Our of love for the sheep, the elders put away their own safety at risk in order to provide what is needed. (John 15:12, 13) In this regard, they follow Zadok's courageous example.

David's life was in danger.  His son Absalom was determined to steal the kingdom from him. (2 Samuel 15:12, 13) David had to leave Jerusalem at once! He called out to his servants: "Get up, and let us run away, for none of us will escape from Absalom!" (2 Samuel 15:14) As the servants were leaving, David realized that someone needed to stay to keep him informed of Absalom's plans.  So he sent Zadok and other priests back into the city to serve as informants. (Read 2 Samuel 15:27-29.) They had to proceed cautiously. What David told those priests was risky and even life -threatening. Imagine what Absalom -egotistical, vengeful, and treacherous man-would have done to Zadok and the other priests if he had found out that they were spying on him to protect David!

Next time: Be Courageous Like Zadok - HELP YOUR BROTHERS -Continue

From the jw.org publications 

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