
Questions From Readers - Who is the "woman" mentioned at Isaiah 60;1, and how does she "arise" and "shed light"? - Conclusion

In the future, anointed Christians will reflect divine light in an even great way. How so? when they finish their course, they will become part of "New Jerusalem," or Christ's  bride of 144,000 fellow kings and priests. - REVELATION 14:1; 21:1, 2, 9-11, 22: 3-5.

New Jerusalem will play a key role in fulfilling Isaiah 60:1. (Compare Isaiah 60:1, 3, 5, 11, 19, 20 with REVELATION 21:2, 9-11, 22-26.) Just as earthy Jerusalem was the seat of government in ancient Israel, so New Jerusalem ad Christ will become the government of the new system if things, how does New Jerusalem "[come] down out of heaven from God"? By directing its attention to the earth. God-fearing people out of all nations "will walk by means of its light." They will even be set free from sin and death. (Revelation 21:3, 4, 24) The result will be the complete "restoration of all things," as Isaiah and other prophets foretold. (Acts 3:21) That grand restoration began when Christ became King and will conclude at the end of his Thousand Year Reign.

Next time: Make Jehovah Your Rock

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