
Questions From Readers

 Who is the "woman" mentioned at Isaiah 60:1, and how does she "arise" and "shed light"? 

How did the Jerusalem above "arise" and "shed light"?  She did so through the earthly anointed children. Compare their experiences with what was prophesied in Isaiah chapter 60.

The anointed Christians had to "arise" because they had gone into a spiritual dark state when the foretold weeds of apostasy overwhelmed them in the second century C.E.  (Matthew 13:37-43) They thus became captives to Babylon the Great, the world system of false religion. The anointed remained captive until "the conclusion of system of things," a period that began in the year 1914. (Matthew 1339, 40) Soon thereafter, in 1919m they were set free and immediately shed spiritual light by throwing themselves into the preaching work.  Over the years, people from all nations have come to that light, including the remaining ones of the Israel of God-the "kings" mentioned at. Isaiah 60:3. - REVELATIONS 5:9, 10. 

Next time: Questions From Readers - Who is the "woman" mentioned at ISAIAH 60:1, and how does she "arise" and "shed light"? -Conclusion

From the jw.org publications


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