
What Is Heaven?

 The spirit realm. The term "heaven" also refers to the spiritual heavens, or spirit realm, a level of existence higher than and outside if the physical universe. (1 Kings 8:27; John 6:38) These spiritual heavens are occupied by God, who is "a spirit "as well as the angelic beings whom he created. (John 4:24; Matthew 24:36) At times, "the heavens " are personified to represent the faithful angels," the congregation of the holy ones." - PSALM 89:5-7.

The Bible also uses "heavens" to refer specifically to the portion of the spirit realm where Jehovah actually resides his "dwelling place." ( 1 Kings 8:43, 49; Hebrews 9:24; Revelation 13:6) For example, the Bible foretold that Satan, and the Demons would thrown out of heaven, no longer being allowed to enter Jehovah's presence. However, they would remain in the spirit realm. - REVELATION 12:7-9, 12.

Next time: What Is Heaven? - A Symbol of a high or exalted position

From the jw.org publications

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