

 We make Jehovah our rock when we rely fully on him. We trust that by obeying him even during difficult times, we will benefit. (Isaiah48:17, 18) As we experience his support, our confidence in him will grow. We will then be better prepared to face trials that only Jehovah can get us through. Often during situations in which there is no one else to turn to for help, we come to realize just how reliable Jehovah is. "The time I spent in the detention center was the very best period in my relationship with God," said Vladimir. "I learned to have greater trust in Jehovah because I was all alone and had no control of the situation."

Jehovah is stable. Similar to a massive rock, Jehovah is firm and stable. He is consistent in his personality and unshakable in his purpose.  (Malachi 3:6) When faced with the rebellion in Eden, Jehovah did not waver. As the apostle Paul wrote, Jehovah "cannot deny himself." (2 Timothy 2:13) This means that no matter what happens or what others do, will never deviate from his qualities, his purpose, or his standards. With confidence in our stable God, we can look to him for salvation and for help to cope during turbulent times. - Read PSALM 62:6, 7. 

Next time: WHY JEHOVAH IS A ROCK - Conclusion

From the jw.org publications 

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