
Never Leave Your Spiritual Paradise

 "Exult and be joyful forever in what I am creating." - ISAIAH 65:18.


Learn how the spiritual paradise benefits us and how we can draw others to it.

THERE is a paradise on earth today that is full of life and activity. It is teeming with millions of people who enjoy genuine peace. Those who are ready in this paradise are determined never to leave it. They also want as many people as possible to join them in this unique setting. What is it? The spiritual paradise!

Amazingly, Jehovah has created a serene environment in the midst of a world that Satan has turned into a hate-filled, wicked, and dangerous place. (1 John 5:19; Revelation 12:12) Our loving God sees the damaging effects of system of things and provides the security that we need in order to flourish spiritually.  His Word describes the spiritual paradise as both a safe "refuge" and a "well-watered garden." (Isaiah 4:6; 58:11) With Jehovah's blessing, those inhabiting this paradise are able to thrive during these difficult days. - ISAIAH 54:14; 2 TIMOTHY3:1. 

Next time: Never Leave Your Spiritual Paradise - Conclusion

From the jw.org publications

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